Uneven pavement is something that can be often overlooked. We assume it has ‘settled’ over time and this is the normal wear and tear. The downside to this unevenness is when it rains it puddles. Have you seen a parking lot with puddles dotted throughout? Ever wondered why? As property owners, it is a valid question along with ‘should I be worried?’ Read on to learn the origins of the some of the most common uneven pavement problems.

What Causes Puddles In Parking Lots?

One potential cause of puddle formation throughout a parking lot is what we call grade depressions. This basically means the pavement has settled in some places, but not others which is more easily seen from the tell-tale puddles after a rainstorm.

The second possibility is from vehicles parking in the same spot every day. This is especially true for reserved parking spaces. Depressions within the asphalt can definitely be the result of a heavy stationary object – such as a vehicle – sitting in the same place over a period of time. The main benefit that comes with an asphalt parking lot, is its flexibility.

This flexible nature means asphalt is able to better withstand weather elements and any subtle movements that may occur beneath – or above. This helps in the prevention of the asphalt cracking, deteriorating, or even heaving. The one downside to this flexibility, however, is that this also means consistent stationary weight can lead to deformation in the pavement. While it isn’t an immediate change, it can definitely happen over time.

This depression in the asphalt is referred to as rutting which is characterized by the obvious tire paths made by vehicles. This is true for gravel and dirt roads as well as paths through snow-covered highway roads.

What Are Causes Of Grade Depressions and Rutting In Asphalt?

As mentioned above some rutting in specific parking spots is caused by stationary vehicles. This is also true for vehicles that need to routinely wait for a spot to open – for example when someone is backing out of a spot and a vehicle pauses in the row so that they may pull in. Additionally, vehicles that have been driving long term may have heated tires which can aid heat up the asphalt and cause minute depressions.

When laying asphalt, proper compaction is a key factor in strength and durability.When laying a parking lot, it requires an appropriately sized roller. If the roller is too small, then the asphalt will not be properly compacted. Just from looking at the asphalt after installation, you won’t be able to tell any difference as to whether or not it has been installed correctly. However, later on after use, a parking lot that has not received adequate compaction will have a significantly higher chance of rutting and grade depression sooner than later.

Do I Really Need To Worry About Uneven Pavement?

When discussing asphalt installation with professional contractors, the topic of preventative maintenance will come up. The big reason for these preventative measures is that rain in asphalt – especially those that are experiencing depressions and rutting- has the potential to cause some costly damage. Puddled water, while not an immediate concern, can over time erode against the asphalt layers which in turn weakens the supportive layers that prove structural integrity.

Some solutions to extending the life of your pavement include:


Sealcoating provides a level of protection to your asphalt. Experts pave a thin liquid layer over the surface of your asphalt. Sealcoating helps prevent cracks from rain, snow, and UV radiation.

Implement Drainage

Having a proper drainage system in place for your parking lot will go a long way in preventing water erosion. This step requires planning before asphalt installation so that contractors can make the most of local landscaping and hills for proper drain off.

Consider Porous Pavement

Porous pavement allows water to drain through the asphalt rather than running off of it or puddling. Water that runs through a porous pavement will be filtered through a stone recharge bed and back into the soil beneath.

General Pavement Maintenance

A general rule of thumb is if your pavement doesn’t have any weak points, then rain can’t damage it. For this reason, general maintenance of your asphalt will be key in ensuring an extension of life for your parking lot. Some general maintenance includes keeping an eye out for any damages including:

  • Cracks
  • Spillage
  • Potholes
  • Pooling water
  • Divots
  • Rutting

If you have asphalt paving or are looking to upgrade, be sure to give our professional team a call. We are happy to discuss all of your pavement needs and can provide insights to which setup will work best for you.