There are several different types of damage that asphalt is prone to, such as cracks, holes, puckering, and many more. Depending on the type of damage, you may be able to get away with a simple repair. But sometimes the damage requires more extensive and costly repairs. Sometimes, when the damage is extensive, you may need to fully replace your asphalt. This is why it is important to hire the right contractor for the job. You need someone who knows the difference and can tell you what the right solution is for your situation. Below are some tips to help you determine whether an asphalt fix or replacement is what you need.

Age of Pavement

Asphalt, even when properly maintained, will only last so long. Just like the appliances in your home, asphalt comes with a certain life expectancy, and once your pavement reaches that point there is only so much a contractor can do. Aging pavement will cost you more in the long run to continue repairing rather than just replacing it.


A big part of the equation of determining whether to fix or use a replacement for your asphalt is the amount of usage your pavement gets on a regular basis. The more use your pavement sees, the less likely a simple patch will hold for long. If you know going into the repair process that your pavement may need to be patched several times over and you are okay with that, then it may be fine for your situation.

But you should understand that you will save money in the long term if you do a more extensive repair than just a patch. Here is where the right contractor comes into play. You want someone who will work with you and your business to do what is right for your situation. They will talk you through cost savings upfront versus cost savings over time and determine the best course of action with you.

Extent of Damage

Depending on the level of damage, you may not have much choice in what has to be done. If the damage is too big, too deep, or too extensive, you will have to fully replace the pavement in order to protect the structural integrity of the project. If the cost to repair the damage is equal to or greater than the cost of replacing it, you may have to replace it all together.


Here is the part that everyone is familiar with. No matter what the damage to your pavement, there is only so much that you can afford. Working with the right contractor and the right business will help you to fully understand what needs to be done to keep your pavement looking great and riding safe and smooth. If you cannot afford to fully replace your pavement right now, your contractor will work with you to do some essential repairs to hold you over until you can afford the rest later on.