Asphalt driveways are a great option for homeowners who want a reasonably priced, and durable, driveway. Read on to learn how an asphalt driveway is installed and how to maintain your asphalt driveway.

Step-By-Step Guide On Driveway Installation

  1. Find a Contractor

Find a contractor that you are comfortable with. Ask for an estimate before any work begins on the driveway. Asphalt should cost approximately two to five dollars per square foot.

  1. Remove the Current Surface

Breakup concrete, collect gravel, or remove pavers to get the desired area completely clear. The bare dirt should be free of any debris and clean before putting anything down. This includes making sure that any spills from machinery have been cleaned up, because foreign substances can affect how the asphalt sets.

  1. Grade the Surface

Grading is essentially flattening and smoothing the bare surface. Grading ensures that the driveway is smooth and prevents water from building up on the surface. As well as angling the overall surface, the edges of the driveway should be angled away from the center. This allows water to run off of all sides of the eventual asphalt.

  1. Compact the soil

A special roller is used to compact the soil down. This makes sure that the soil does not expand or shrink while the asphalt is on top of it. In the long term, this protects your driveway from cracking or buckling.

  1. Lay Down the Crushed Rock

Crushed rock allows for drainage and can balance out imperfections in the base soil. Before any asphalt is poured, the rock is packed into the soil layer and given some time to settle.

  1. Pave Over the Crushed Rock with Asphalt

Asphalt is made of crushed rock, sand, and hot oil. This mixture is heated up to around 300 degrees Fahrenheit and spread across the surface. The thickness of the asphalt should have been agreed upon with your contractor ahead of time.

  1. Attend to the Edges

Asphalt driveways are notorious for their uneven edges, so it is important that the edges are treated as soon as they are laid down. The edges need to slant away from the driveway to prevent flooding.

When Can I Start Using My Asphalt Driveway?

Asphalt cools fairly quickly, so the driveway is technically safe to use in a matter of hours. For longer lasting asphalt, it is best to let the mixture settle for a day or two before driving on it.

If you choose to use the driveway as soon as it is cools, it is important that you treat it gingerly. If a car turns too sharply, or a heavy object is dropped on the surface, it can damage the asphalt.

How Do I Maintain My Driveway?

The driveway should be thoroughly cleaned twice a year with a strong hose and a stiff broom. Pressure washing is not necessarily the best option, because that can take the protective sealant off the top. Seal the asphalt every two to five years to protect the surface. The sealing schedule depends on how heavily the ­driveway is used.