Watching construction projects progress, particularly as a layman, is fascinating. The way the lot sits empty for a while and then in a matter of weeks there is a fully functioning building standing there. Construction professionals of all types are important. However, there is one component of construction that is pretty underappreciated. The people who complete site work. This week, we are exploring all the components of site work. Read on to learn what site work is as well as the various tasks that fall under the site work umbrella.

What Is Site Work?

Site work is all of the work that goes into the actual construction site. In other words, anything that does not deal directly with the building itself. Sometimes, one company handles all of the site work. However, it is more common for the general contractor to hire many subcontractors to handle different components.

Component One: Preparing The Land

This is pretty much always one of the first components of site work to occur on any project. Different sites need different things at this stage. In Florida, this step nearly always consists of clearing the land of any trees and vegetation. This step also includes processes such as excavation and the shaping of important parts, like drainage ditches.

Component Two: The Paving Part

Personally, this is our favorite part of site work. Pavers come in and take care of everything at once during this stage. For residential projects, the main focus is roads and driveways. Municipal projects often focus on paving slabs for equipment, as well as roads. Commercial projects are often the most complicated. They typically require streets, sidewalks, slabs, and parking lots.

Paving professionals must adhere to the site plan rather strictly. The paving acts like lines, while landscaping and construction fill in the spaces. If the pavers mess up, there are only two options. One, tear the surface with the error up and start again. Or, two, alter the plans for the project. Neither of those are particularly desirable for anybody involved.

Component Three: Landscaping

This step of site work if often done after the construction portion is completed. It fleshes out the appearance of the project, so it is not just a building on an empty piece of land. The type of landscaping depends on the more general location as well as the use of the project. For example, an apartment building does not require the same attention to detail as, say, a public park.

Component Four: Water In, Waste Out Systems

Here is where the project either connects to municipal waterlines or digs a well. Additionally, the septic or sewer system is installed. Both of these components are very important, and the project would quite literally fall apart without them.