Asphalt is a durable and rugged material. With proper installation and maintenance, the surface can last decades. However, it does have to incur damage at some point. And unfortunately, not every contractor installs and maintenance asphalt correctly. So what can home or business owners do while trying to get their surface fixed? The best first step is to understand the damage that is happening. This week, we are reviewing types of asphalt damage. Read on to learn about all types of damage, from simple cracks to entire portions of the surface failing.

Failure of An Entire Layer

This type of damage requires an asphalt expert to completely repave the area. Typically, it means that the project was not paved correctly from the get-go.

Base Failure

Base failure is when the bottommost layer of asphalt fails. In order to fix it, an asphalt professional must remove the entire surface layer. Then, they also removed the base where it has failed. Then the entire area has to be re paved.

A base failure can be a result of a number of issues. whether there is poor drainage, not enough support due to soil issues, or simply an error in installation.

Stripping, Also Called Surface Failure

Surface failure is a little easier to fix than base failure. It still requires an asphalt professional to remove the surface area that is having issues.

The stripping process occurs because the binding agent and the aggregate in the surface do not adhere properly. Usually this occurs because the adhesive agent was not mixed properly. This type of damage exposes the base of the asphalt. That type of exposure leads to a number of other issues, so asphalt professionals suggest fixing the problem as quickly as possible.

Depressions & Potholes

Many drivers already know what potholes look like. Depressions are simply potholes that have not completely fallen through yet. Usually depressions happen when there’s a failure in the base but the surface layer is holding on.

Potholes and depressions are nearly inevitable when it comes to asphalt in Florida. Potholes occur thanks to heavy weather and heavy traffic. Florida has plenty of both. Fortunately, potholes are relatively easy to fix. Read more here to learn all about potholes.


Cracking is perhaps the most common common type of damage that asphalt can incur. the main issue with cracking is that there are many different types of cracking. We have included the most common types here, but this is by no means a comprehensive list.

  • Edge cracks: Edge cracks are pretty self-explanatory. Asphalt is kind of notorious for falling apart around the edges. The problem becomes worse if the base is weak or there is plenty of plant life in the area.
  • Slippage cracks: These cracks are pretty unique, because they look like stretch marks. Essentially, slippage cracks occur when the surface doesn’t bond properly to the base. It causes the surface layer to stretch and shift.
  • Alligator cracks: Alligator cracks are also known as fatigue cracks. Usually, they originate when the asphalt is overloaded.