There are a variety of materials that you can construct your driveway out of, and one of the most popular debates right now is asphalt vs. driveway pavers. Oftentimes, this debate boils down to form against function.

Read on to learn the differences in asphalt and driveway pavers, and which option will work best for you.


When debating any sort of home renovation decision, one of the most major considerations is cost.

Asphalt driveways are typically the cheapest installation option for driveways. Pavers require many more hours, and extra manpower. The material cost can vary widely depending on what type of driveway pavers you are using.

Asphalt does, however, have upkeep costs associated. A contractor needs to reseal asphalt every one to three years, which is a time-consuming process. It is possible to do the sealing yourself, but it is so difficult.

Driveway pavers, on the other hand, are difficult to keep up, especially if you live where it snows. This difficulty can lead to cleaning costs or costs of replacing bricks that are cracking or chipped from the weather.

Ultimately, asphalt comes out cheaper, even when considering maintenance costs.


Pavers and asphalt can both have a decorative design, which wasn’t always the case. In the recent past, pavers were the only option for an aesthetic driveway. The design is inlayed as the driveway was constructed. Oftentimes there is a border with a patterned design to fill it in. Obviously, this process requires a lot of time and manpower to cover any significant ground.

In recent years, the desire for a high level of curb appeal without the high price has led to the development of stamped asphalt. Stamping

Workman laying exterior paving stones.

asphalt gives the asphalt the appearance of pavers. The stamps work the same as a traditional stamp on paper, including shaping and staining the asphalt.

Stamped asphalt actually offers more design options than pavers. The stamps can be designed to look like patterned pavers, or almost anything else homeowners could want. Names, addresses, and logos can all be turned into stamps for a completely customized driveway.


If you have an asphalt driveway clean up is easy as can be. Often times a strong hose and a stiff-bristled broom are all that is needed to remove debris from trees and dirt. Snow, although rare in Florida, is easily removed with a shovel or even a plow. It does need to be resealed, but most professionals can reseal an asphalt driveway in a decent time without exorbitant cost.

A stamped asphalt driveway is a little more difficult to clean, because there are more details. However, it is the same durable asphalt that can take a bit of scrubbing. The same tools still work for warm weather cleaning: a hose and stiff-bristled brush.

A paver driveway, however, is a different story. They are very difficult to clean, especially with snow. It becomes even more difficult if you are using brick or cobblestone pavers. Both of those use grout in the paving, which stains easily no matter the weather.